Revealing The 2020 Wall Calendar Design Concept!
Every fall I design a wall calendar for you! This is my third year releasing a wall calendar, and this time around I want to bring you along in the design process as much as possible!
To kick it off, I’m revealing the design concept & cover concept for the 2020 wall calendar!
Click below to watch:
This is the sketch I drew 4 years ago that continues to inspire me today! At the time it felt like one of the most “me” art concepts I’d ever made, and that still holds true. Over the years of moving or organizing my sketchbooks I will stumble across this sketch, and it gives me fresh inspiration each time I see it. It has inspired two of my favorite watercolor paintings "Charting the Desert" and "The Beauty of Nature" and now is inspiring new artwork for fall which will also be the concept for my wall calendar!
The holidays are the most wonderful time of the year, and they feel especially wonderful to me because I get to share so much new art with you! I can't wait to continue revealing more of the calendar design and my other new designs with you as the year continues!