Watercolor Sketchbook Tour
Today I'm sharing a tour sketchbook tour of my sketchbook of watercolor paintings! Many of these paintings have gone on to become art prints in my shop, or inspire future artworks, which is so special.
At the time of filming this video, there were just 2 pages left at the end of the sketchbook, so I wanted to share the progress I'd made it in so far, and talk a bit about the story or mindset behind each painting. Some are just for fun, for color experimentation, or have a lot of meaning to me.
Click below to watch, and enjoy:
Resources I mentioned in the video:» Moleskine Watercolor Sketchbook
» Copenhagen Painting Video
I feel very re-inspired to create videos lately, so I hope you are enjoying them! My favorite part to edit is the beginning intro because it gives me a chance to be artsy with film, and I love playing with new mediums. Film is a medium just as much as painting, and it is interesting to experiment with. So far my intros are short 20 to 30 second mash-ups, but I am thinking of creating some longer versions in a similar way. I think that could be so fun! Stay tuned.