Click here to download your free "Craft Project Ideas" printable!

And don't forget to scroll down below for a list of my tips, supplies, and links to tutorials for all of these projects


Make a latchhook rug or wall hanging
  • Supplies: Mesh canvas, latch hook, yarn, scissors
  • Tips: Rather than buy pre-cut yarn lengths, cut your own! Wrap the yarn around your 4 fingers several times, cut once, and then cut that bundle in half again.
Play with "Perler Beads"
  • Do you remember this childhood favorite?! Jake and I actually have a ton of Perler supplies and make them all the time. It's a fun way to relax and destress
  • Supplies: Perler beads, Perler board, parchment paper, iron
  • Tips: You can Google any design you have in mind, or make your own design! Upload a photo to this website, and it will turn your photo into a bead pattern for you!
Makeover a lamp or pot you already own with paint
  • Supplies: Spray paint or acrylic paint or paint pens
  • Tips: Use tape to block out a pattern, and then spray away!
Craft a lanyard box stitch keychain 
  • Another childhood favorite you might have loved at summer camp!
  • Supplies: Plastic cord
  • Tips: Use one of these YouTube tutorials for instructions
Do a back-and-forth partner drawing
  • This is an activity Jake and I do on rainy days, and it always ends up being pretty funny
  • Supplies: Paper and markers/crayons/pencils
  • Tips: This blog post will explain how to do this! Basically, one person starts a drawing, and the other person adds to it. Keep drawing back-and-forth until you make something silly 
Build a wood loom to weave a scarf
  • Another favorite project of mine! I made my own wood loom 2 years ago from a wood board & nails, and have made so many beautiful scarves since! They make great gifts too. 
  • Supplies: Yarn, scissors, wood board, nails
  • Tips: I learned how to make my loom & scarves from this awesome "Chunky Woven Scarf Tutorial" blog post by A Beautiful Mess
Stamp, draw, or paint your own wrapping paper
  • Every holiday season I make my own wrapping paper. Sometimes I stamp, but this year I just drew icons right onto butcher paper with a sharpie! Since it's only March, you could make some non-holiday designs for birthday gifting
  • Supplies: Butcher paper, Sharpies, stamps, stamp pad or paint
Finger weave a blanket, or do it just for fun!
DIY cards & postcards to send to friends
  • Supplies: Paper, envelopes (optional), pens or paint
Create a collage from magazines
  • Supplies: Magazines, paper, gluestick
  • Tips: Don't feel pressure to make something "pretty" or frame-able. Just the act of creating will be fun and relaxing
Follow instructions in a leather kit
  • Aboce you'll see a picture of a leather coinpurse I made for my mom using a kit! These kits come with everything you need to make the project, and you can take it a step further by customizing it with colored cord or painting on the leather
  • Supplies: Leather kits; my favorite kits are from Tandy Leather. They have an online shop, and many local locations. You can your local store to see if they are offering curbside pickup or local delivery!
Crochet a beanie - it's simple!
  • I used to make beanies ALL the time for my friends! I learned from easy YouTube tutorials. You'd be surprised how easily you can learn from a video tutorial, and you can pause and start the video as you learn!
  • Supplies: Yarn, crochet hook, scissors
  • Tips: I recommend a quick YouTube tutorial. I believe this is the one I used to learn. 
Decorate your planner
  • Supplies: Stickers, washi tape, pens
Makeover your denim jacket with paint, patches, embroidery...or all the above!
  • You probably have a plain jacket at home waiting to be given new life, or I'm sure your favorite local boutique would be thrilled to see an order come in for a denim jacket! Embellished jackets are always in style, and you can really make it your own
  • Supplies: Jacket and paint, patches and sewing materials, or embroidery thread 
  • Tips: Watch my "DIY Patched Denim Jacket" video to get inspired!